Have you ever wondered?
Where Do Coffee Beans Come From?

Coffee is a self-pollinating plant which is produced from a magnificent display of honeysuckle-like blooms. Each year (depending on coffee origin) millions of flowers bloom for a few days, just after the area’s initial heavy rains; then, the flowers whither and fall off the trees. The flowering is a critical part of the growing cycle since a node will form where each flower bloomed. From each of these nodes a single coffee cherry, which contains the precious coffee beans that we enjoy each day, will form.
Once the cherry is picked, it is taken to be processed in a mill where they are selected, sorted, peeled, washed and dried.. There are three processing techniques used by coffee farmers: wet-processing, dry-processing and semi-dry processing. The processing of the coffee cherry is just as important as the picking and maybe more tedious

By The Numbers
It takes over 200 coffee cherries to produce a typical 50oz pot of coffee
The average coffee plant produces 1.1lbs of coffee beans per year

Time to get roasted
The Key Process
No matter what the processing method is used, the Arabica coffee beans go through final cleaning, another sorting and are graded (based on size, color, absence of defects, cup quality, etc.) before being bagged and shipped to customers all over the country. Since we only roast coffee that receives the classification of Specialty Grade (coffee that receives a score of 80 or above are classified as Specialty Grade), we are particularly appreciative of the extra care it takes to produce our beans.
After the coffee bean is roasted, its weight has reduced and its size doubled. To protect the flavor, body, and aroma of your gourmet coffee beans, we lovingly store, hand-blend and bag them. We believe, as you now know, that each part of the growing and processing cycle is critical, so we take the same care in the roasting, blending, storing and bagging processes as all the farmers did so that you will enjoy the consistent, exceptional flavor in each cup you drink.