7 Generations of
Family Farming
Over a Century of Quality,
Family-Owned Coffee
That’s right, over a hundred years! Over the Border Coffee partners Tabitha and Loiber Samayoa started the business in 2018, but the family farm has been harvesting coffee beans since the early 1900’s. In fact, Loiber was born on the family land in 1984, and has two brother and two sister who live back home in Guatemala. Tabitha is of Puerto Rican and Italian descent and grew up in a military family, her father retiring as a Master Sergent and passing away years later as a preacher. Together, Tabitha and Loiber have two children, one of which is features in the Over the Border logo, posing with their very first import.
Beans harvested from this land have been sold to coffee distributors all over the world over the years, including some of the coffee industry’s biggest names! So one day it hit us – why let these other companies have all the fun doing what we could do ourselves?
And that’s how Over the Border Coffee was born.